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Re: How to mount a VFAT partition under Hurd

"Praveen Kumar" <praveen@symonds.net> writes:

>> Besides is it possible to mount an iso file using -o loop option?
>> I mean as under GNU/Linux:
>> mount -o loop foo.iso /<mount_point>
> Upto me, I think there's no support for loop devices.

  There is no support for `loop devices', since that term is not used
in GNU/Hurd.  What the example above illustrates is simply how to
`mount' data stored in a file - and not on a block device - into the
filesystem, right?

  The Hurd has something much cooler than that: libstore.  libstore is
an abstraction library for accessing `stores'.  stores can be
partitions, files, network block devices, task memory areas, and
others.  Furthermore libstore makes it possible to combine such `store
types', which makes it possible to for example access compressed data

  In short: since libdiskfs, the library used by is9660fs, uses
libstore, it doesn't care about wether it accesses a partition, a
file, or other store types supported by libstore.

moritz@duesseldorf.ccc.de - http://duesseldorf.ccc.de/~moritz/
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