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Re: micq on hurd

harshu@hd2.vsnl.net.in writes:

> I was just wondering if text based icq client a.k.a micq has been
> ported to the GNU/HURD system. If it is not, I would like to work on
> it. The problem is that I am a newbie and don't know how to go
> about. I would appreciate some pointers.

Just check the Debian archive:

$ apt-cache search icq
alicq - Flexible ICQ client in pure Tcl/Tk
centericq - A text-mode icq client based on ncurses
libicq-dev - library implementation of Mirabilis ICQ (Development
libicq1 - library implementation of Mirabilis ICQ
libnet-vicq-perl - Net::vICQ perl module.
licq-dev - LICQ Development and Header Files
vicq - A simple, Perl-based ICQ client.
wmbiff - A dockable app that displays information about mailboxes

moritz@duesseldorf.ccc.de - http://duesseldorf.ccc.de/~moritz/
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