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Re: Help: install problem

Ben Armstrong wrote:

On Mon, Aug 27, 2001 at 05:52:55PM +0800, scheme wrote:

All goes well until it's time to run ./native-install. After I reboot the machine and edited the boot menu and actually booted the gnumach.gz with serverboot.gz in single user mode, the procedure halted with the following lines at the end of screen:

When you rebooted, did you remember to specify root= to point at the
correct root partition when you issued the "kernel" command from grub?

Yes. I tried to boot manually with a sequence of commands:
kernel=/boot/gnumach.gz root=hd1s6 -s

Each step got the appropriate response except the last one, which died (I suppose) after printing messages about my partitions, ports, ethernet cards, and so on. This is the same if I edit the menu and hit boot.

hd14: bad access: block=28, count=2, blockend=30, nr_sects2
end_request: I/O error, dev 03:44, sector 28
Hurd server bootstrap: ext2fs.static[hd1s6] exec

I don't understand the message. Can anybody help me?

You can safely ignore this message.  It appears to happen all the time
and should not prevent you from booting.  Look elsewhere for the real

I can't. The boot procedure stops there and I don't have a command prompt for running anything useful.

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