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Thanks John Tobey

Many thanks.   gcc and make running on my Hurd

If this appears as a separate thread it is because I read the news group though
my inbox;  I cannot get it direct.

Thanks again


John Tobey wrote:

> > Thanks to your previous help, got it up to multi user mode quickly, with
> > swap space and my home and Debian root partitions.
> Good!
> > How do I get a compiler to work?  Have installed
> > binutils_2., cpp_2.91.66-1.2.deb, gcc_2.91.66-1.2.deb and
> > make.  But I do not have any header files there, have tried linking to
> > my Debian headers but they are the wrong version for the compiler.  Do I
> > install the 272 compiler then copy my Debian headers into Hurd?
> Never use Linux headers, if that's what you mean.  The Hurd headers
> are in the libc0.2-dev hurd-dev and gnumach-dev packages in the devel/
> directory.  I found libgdbmg1-dev to be necessary for programs that
> want to link with libgdbm.so, namely Perl.
> Best
> -John
> --
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