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CVS repository for GNUMach?


 I think I'm going to work again on the port of GNUMach to the m68k in
a few weeks (sorry, I didn't have time (at all) lately).

 Jonas Oberg <jonas@coyote.org> talked about porting GNUMach to the
Sparc, and we agreed it would be great to use a CVS repository. It
seems from http://www.gnu.org/software/devel.html that there is
already one.

 However, I can't log into it: (is it related to alpha.gnu.org being down?)

~/gnumach$ cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs@anoncvs.gnu.org:/gd/gnu/anoncvsroot login
(Logging in to anoncvs@anoncvs.gnu.org)
CVS password: <nothing>
cvs [login aborted]: connect to anoncvs.gnu.org:2401 failed: Connection refused

 Is the version in this repository `up-to-date' (i.e. are the changes
made by Okuji often committed)?

 I think it would be much easier for us porters to have a CVS
repository somewhere (even if we don't commit, just to keep up with
the changes).

PS: Sorry if I'm missing something and everybody is already using cvs
    for GNUMach development, but I'm afraid not.

Thanks for any information,

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