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Re: A mistake buying J6700?

Hello kmaziz,

Monday, February 19, 2007, 9:21:38 AM, you wrote:


I'm thinking if I made a mistake buying this computer.. 

I think it was cheap.. (700USD == 10gb ram, 2x 73gb fwscsi .. ) I thought it would be much better, stronger than regular pc's hence to the double risc processors and amount of ram. But if I even cannot use the box as server, I think I made a mistake. And since i can't find HPUX anywhere for free.. And If I did, I could not use it regularly because of the loud noise from the fan.

I think it is a mistake. Old server hardware is completely useless for anything else then learning 

or as a hobby. I like my C3700 (with  4 GB, 3 x FX5 Triple Head Display and 750 Mhz). It's rock solid. 

But i can't find any real reason to use it for production use. In Germany the energy price is so 

high that it hurts to run the machine as a server (it's in a separate room with 5m vga 

cables to reduce the noise). The noise drives me crazy and my system only has one CPU!


I thought it was much stronger, reliable than regular pc's .. isnt it? How much stronger is the double RISC processors, for instance against intels core duo? 

What could I use it for to take advantage of the power in linux? Is there any way to find latest HP-UX on the net? 

CPU speed for a 750 MHz system is the smae as a 1500 AthlonXP. Every PC system from the Wall Mart Shelf

will give you a 3-5 times higher performance. 

And what is your purpose that you can make real use of the 10GB? It's very hard to see an improvement 

with more then 2 GB for most systems. You need some real large databases or webserver. But this is also 

not the best because the machine AFAIK only has a 100MBit Network Card. Old trash. I tried to add a Sysconnect

gigabit card but wasn't able to get it to work on my machine.

So i'm using it as a complete overpowered X11 Terminal. Good news is that the X11 server from HP is a 

high quality implementation, the feeling is much better then XFree/Xorg.

It took me a little longer to learn that RISC is history and there is absolutely no reason to use 

anything except for the big iron servers. Desktop and small server means Intel/AMD. I also have a 

dual Blade (2x 900 SPARC) its so slow, it really hurts me.

For HP-UX, AFAIK a license belongs to every machine, so you only need to pay for an additional media set.

Don't know if HP will send you one and how much it costs. Never saw disks on Ebay for sale and this kind

of software is also not available for downloads (even if you ignore the legal problems).

So my advice would be to sell the machine on EBay. With the 10 gb you will not loose a lot of money because

many people have to learn the lesson you just learned.


Best regards,

 Lothar Scholz                mailto:scholz@scriptolutions.com

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