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RE: c200 and woody 0.9.3 Iso questions

> I am trying to install woody distro on an HP C200 workstation. As far as I
> know it has a 10GB SCSI disk and visualize EG board / 128 Mem Ram.
> After unsuccessfully trying to use the esiee distro (latest full iso and
> latest netinst iso) I landed on the 0.9.3 Iso. 

This ISO is very old.  parisc-linux was released with woody, so you can
simply install from the woody ISOs.  This installer is very similar to the
IA-32 debian installer, so you will feel comfortable performing this
> The first thing that I tried to do was add the security.debian.org and an
> apt source from the net to do the upgrade. But it failed on libc6, saying
> that the kernel cannot support the newer version of libc6. Ok, so I tried
> some various installs, and removed everything but the apt-source of the
>  install iso.

Yes, you probably need to upgrade your kernel first.  There was an issue
with glibc where it needed features found only in the newer kernel.  Others
on the list can comment further if needed.

> I took the recipe found in parisc-linux.org on making a new kernel, 
> hopefully to use it. Has anyone tried it? First of all, do an update on 
> the recipe list, because
> does not exist any longer. I downloaded the 25mb latest linux-2.4 source,
> and continued on there. I will put the new kernel tomorrow, and hopefully
> if it works, I'll add the web resources to do a normal apt-get update/
apt-get upgrade.

You got the source from cvs.parisc-linux.org right?  I know willy has been
working to getting all the changes merged upstream, but there is still a
difference between linus and parisc-linux tree.

> My question for the time being is, that I used a make oldconfig on the 
> kernel compilation, and since I installed with the default, I kept
> choosing the defaults on the make command. Is that ok? I don't care about
> the optimization of the kernel, since it's going to be a small webserver
> that's going to show presentations.

Probably.  The C200 has been supported for quite a while and should have
everything needed in the default config.  If it doesn't that is a bug that
needs to be fixed.

> Also, I'd like to know how many of you have used C200's for this linux,
> just to know what my odds are of something to work ;)

There are several of us using C200s.  This has worked for quite a while and
should be a good little system for you.  Do check the parisc-linux mail
archives though in case you run into a ccio-resource mapping problem.  I
think you will be fine with 128mb ram, but at least you will know how to fix
it if you hit the problem.

> Thanks, Panos

Good luck, and enjoy!

- Ryan

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