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Re: HTCondor 23.2.0 Next Steps

On Fri, 2024-01-05 at 18:53 -0600, Tim Theisen wrote:
> Hello Andreas,
> Thank you for all your help. Perhaps, someday I'll be able to upload 
> condor myself. Things kind of fell apart with the Alioth to Salsa 
> migration. I used to upload condor quite frequently back then. I am
> bet 
> that someone on the HPC Team would be willing to sponsor the uploads.
> Twice, I have applied to be a Debian Maintainer for condor. However, 
> nobody would sponsor me.
> I appreciate the Salsa integrations and the pipelines that compile
> and 
> run tests. That has been very helpful for me.
> Without you, we would not have gotten to this place. Thank you again.
> Z

I am frequently busy with paying work but we use condor in my lab, and
I'd really like to to be available, so I want to also try to help with
keeping it updated.


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