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Re: HTCondor 23.2.0 Next Steps

Hello Andreas,

Thank you for all your help. Perhaps, someday I'll be able to upload condor myself. Things kind of fell apart with the Alioth to Salsa migration. I used to upload condor quite frequently back then. I am bet that someone on the HPC Team would be willing to sponsor the uploads. Twice, I have applied to be a Debian Maintainer for condor. However, nobody would sponsor me.

I appreciate the Salsa integrations and the pipelines that compile and run tests. That has been very helpful for me.

Without you, we would not have gotten to this place. Thank you again.


On 1/5/24 15:05, Andreas Tille wrote:
Hi Tim,

we've got a late Christmas gift from ftpmaster since it took less than
12hours to get condor accepted which has proven my expectation
absolutely wrong.  I just did a source upload and now we are waiting
for the migration of condor to testing.

I would love if someone else from hpc-team will take over future
sponsoring uploads.

Thanks a lot for your preparation in any case.

Kind regards

Am Wed, Dec 27, 2023 at 08:32:26PM -0600 schrieb Tim Theisen:
I have completed my work on HTCondor 23.2.0 on salsa. This copyright file is
in good shape.


What are the next steps here?


Tim Theisen (he, him, his)
Release Manager
HTCondor & Open Science Grid
Center for High Throughput Computing
Department of Computer Sciences
University of Wisconsin - Madison
4261 Computer Sciences and Statistics
1210 W Dayton St
Madison, WI 53706-1685
+1 608 265 5736

Tim Theisen (he, him, his)
Release Manager
HTCondor & Open Science Grid
Center for High Throughput Computing
Department of Computer Sciences
University of Wisconsin - Madison
4261 Computer Sciences and Statistics
1210 W Dayton St
Madison, WI 53706-1685
+1 608 265 5736

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