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Debian package of pandoc-crossref filter

Dear Debian Haskell Group,

There is currently no Debian package of pandoc-crossref (https://github.com/lierdakil/pandoc-crossref) which is available as a cabal package. There was a packaging request a while ago on https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=822173;msg=2 I have Ubuntu 18.04 installed and I'm actually not sure, whether it's legitimate to write to the Debian list in this case Getting the code via cabal is possible, but this version would not work with the older version of pandoc in Ubuntu/Debian. Moreover, it requires quite a bit of dependencies for building it, which are not necessary for a typical end user. What works pretty well is installing pandoc and pandoc-crossref via (Ana)conda, but I prefer Debian package to keep my OS installation clean.
Therefore I tried to generate the package on my own.
Running `cabal-debian` in a clone of the repository works well.
I went on to follow the guidlines on https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/DebianHaskellGroup/CollabMaint/GettingStarted#Build_the_Debian_Package (which by the way contain a small typo: "cd DHG_packages/p/haskel-$pkg" should be "cd DHG_packages/p/haskell-$pkg" - "haskell" with double-l), but failed due to missing dependencies in the `mk-build-deps` step.
How would you approach this problem?


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