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HsQML Qt5 Dependency Question


haskell-hsqml has a dependency on various qt5 packages. HsQML also
requires that certain qt executables such as the moc compiler be in
$PATH in order to build. By default, these executables don't seem to be
added to my PATH when I install the qt5 dependencies.

I can fix the PATH issue by installing the qt5-default meta package but
when I add this to the Build-Depends a Lintian error is raised. I'm
guessing that changing the users PATH in this manner might be
undesirable. I'm not certain how Debian's policy works in this situation
so any advice would be appreciated.

I tried installing a few of the packages which qt5-default includes with
no luck.  Seems like this could be a common problem:


Christopher Reichert
irc: creichert
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