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Re: *.haskell-binaries

Le 27. 07. 13 20:34, Joachim Breitner a écrit :
Because it is too new; all packages not using it were packaged before
the feature was added. If it works for you, by all means use it.
Thank you.

Maybe you can first gather (e.g. from the Contents files) a list of all
haskell packages that have something in /usr/share/foo-1.2.3 and have a
quick look if the path is also hard-coded in debian/* or so. But I
believe that all packages that _do_ ship something there have that flag
already in debian/rules, so it certainly makes sense to adjust
haskell-devscripts to that behaviour.
I found : alex, bustle (still in our git repo), darcs-monitor (which seems to ship different version, so I better not break that), gitit, happstack, happy, citeproc, filestore and hakyll. I'm going to fix that tomorrow afternoon.

For pkg-haskell/tools? There should be!
Are you going to add it?

bonne nuit,

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