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Hi everyone,
Buried down at the end of hlibrary.mk, there is a rule that installs the files listed in the <package>.haskell-binaries file into the installation directories for the package. Why isn't it used more widely? I found it in bnfc, hscolour and that's all. That and the <package>.install file and I can get rid of the copying rules in debian/rules.

Other question: would you accept a patch adding --datasubdir=$(CABAL_PACKAGE) to dist/ghc in hlibrary.mk? I don't think it'll break anything because packages that already specify the flag in DEB_SETUP_GHC_CONFIGURE_ARGS won't crash and the wildcard used in carettah will still match.

(Also, I've added http support for read-only access in pkg-haskell-checkout. The --help message has been modified to supply the details I've missed when checking out packages for the first time. Is there no mail posthook on this repo?)


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