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Re: Via LLVM on arm (Was: ANNOUNCE: GHC 7.4.1 Release Candidate 1)

On 01/ 2/12 09:01 PM, Joachim Breitner wrote:
Dear Karel again,

Am Montag, den 02.01.2012, 19:43 +0000 schrieb Joachim Breitner:
I’ll prepare an upload now. I’m still a bit confused by the fact that
not even the configure script seems to check for the llvm binary, but
I’ll see how it goes.

it’s still building locally (on and64), only then I can upload the
package and it will be attempted to be built for armel. One thing that
is worrying me is the llvm version. The "llvm" Debian package installs
llvm-2.9 in Debian, so /usr/bin/opt means the binary from the 2.9
package. There is a separate llvm-3.0 package available, which
ships /usr/bin/opt-3.0 etc.

Will it work with llvm-2.9, or will I need 3.0 (as hinted at in
http://ghcarm.wordpress.com/2011/11/03/llvm-patch-is-merged-for-inclusion-in-llvm-3-0-release/). In the latter case; what knobs do I have to turn so that ghc is _built_ using opt-3.0 and llc-3.0 _and_ these binaries are used by the generated ghc?

Yes, you need LLVM 3.0 definitely since it contains our patches to add GHC support on ARM architecture there. For switching LLVM versions I'm just using PATH env var configured appropriately, but you may also find useful command-line options of LLVM codegen: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/docs/7.2.2/html/users_guide/options-phases.html -- i.e. -pgmlo/-pgmlc seems to be related. -- but honestly speaking, I've never tried them...

Good luck!

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