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Re: Bluetile 0.5


Am Samstag, den 24.07.2010, 01:26 +0200 schrieb Jan Vornberger:
> Just wanted to let you know that I just released Bluetile 0.5 on
> Hackage. It now includes a shiny configuration system! :-)
> Some packaging related notes:
> 1. The archive contains the files 'bluetilerc' and
>    'bluetilerc_user_template'. The later one is copied to ~/.bluetilerc
>    if such a file does not exist when Bluetile is started.


>    There is one special thing about bluetilerc_user_template: It
>    contains the full path to bluetilerc. To make that possible, I again
>    extended the Cabal build script in such a way, that upon installation
>    the correct path is inserted in the file.
>    It should work both for 'cabal install' as well as 'cabal copy' - let
>    me know if there are any problems.

Hmm, doesn’t work here:

$ cat /usr/share/bluetile/etc/bluetilerc_user_template
# This is your Bluetile configuration file.
# Use this file to make changes to the default configuration.
# You can see all the defaults in the file
# debian/bluetile/usr/share/bluetile/etc/bluetilerc

It includes the --destdir, which is debian/bluetile. I fixed this using
the attached patch.

Did you intend to be the global bluetilerc to be installed into /etc and
modified? Currenty it is stored in the data directory, which should not
be written to by the admin. I think the current scheme is fine, as the
users ought to make their changes in ~/.bluetilerc.

> 2. The default, system-wide configuration in bluetilerc contains the
>    line 'termial: gnome-terminal'. Maybe you would like to change that
>    to 'x-terminal-emulator' for Debian. Then again, Bluetile is now
>    specifically geared towards GNOME, so maybe it makes sense to leave
>    it as 'gnome-terminal'. Decide as you see fit.

I should patch that, as I also did it for xmonad.

> 3. I have extended the dock with a button that launches
>    'gedit ~/.bluetilerc' . Therefore Bluetile now depends on gedit.

Why don’y you use "gnome-open"? This will start the editor that the user
has configured.

> 4. It seems that the manpage for gnome-bluetile-session hasn't been
>    included in the Debian package the last time. Maybe that can be
>    changed with the next package as well.

Error on my side, fixed now.

(I’m waiting with an upload in case you plan to do an immediate release
with these or other changes. If not, I’ll go ahead).

Joachim "nomeata" Breitner
Debian Developer
  nomeata@debian.org | ICQ# 74513189 | GPG-Keyid: 4743206C
  JID: nomeata@joachim-breitner.de | http://people.debian.org/~nomeata
Index: bluetile-0.5/Setup.lhs
--- bluetile-0.5.orig/Setup.lhs	2010-07-26 19:47:58.000000000 +0200
+++ bluetile-0.5/Setup.lhs	2010-07-26 19:47:58.000000000 +0200
@@ -15,13 +15,14 @@
 > myPostCopy _ copyflags pkgdesc lbi = do
 >   let dirs = absoluteInstallDirs pkgdesc lbi (fromFlag $ copyDest copyflags)
 >   libExecHook dirs
->   insertPath dirs
+>   let dirs' = absoluteInstallDirs pkgdesc lbi NoCopyDest
+>   insertPath dirs dirs'
 > myPostInst :: Args -> InstallFlags -> PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> IO ()
 > myPostInst _ _ pkgdesc lbi = do
 >   let dirs = absoluteInstallDirs pkgdesc lbi NoCopyDest
 >   libExecHook dirs
->   insertPath dirs
+>   insertPath dirs dirs
 > -- hook to move helper binaries to the libexec directory
 > libExecHook :: InstallDirs String -> IO ()
@@ -33,11 +34,10 @@
 >     renameFile (bdir </> binary) (lexecdir </> binary)
 > -- hook to insert path to system wide configuration
-> insertPath :: InstallDirs String -> IO ()
-> insertPath dirs = do
->   let ddir = datadir dirs
->   let userConfigTemplate = ddir </> "etc" </> "bluetilerc_user_template"
->   let pathToSystemConfig = ddir </> "etc" </> "bluetilerc"
+> insertPath :: InstallDirs String -> InstallDirs String -> IO ()
+> insertPath dirs dirs' = do
+>   let userConfigTemplate = datadir dirs </> "etc" </> "bluetilerc_user_template"
+>   let pathToSystemConfig = datadir dirs' </> "etc" </> "bluetilerc"
 >   contents <- readFileStrict userConfigTemplate
 >   let contentsPatched = subRegex (mkRegex "__PATH_TO_BLUETILERC__") contents pathToSystemConfig
 >   writeFile userConfigTemplate contentsPatched

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