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Re: Git? (Was: Team maint update)

Joachim Breitner wrote:
> Hi,
> Am Freitag, den 03.07.2009, 10:11 -0500 schrieb John Goerzen:
>> Git has submodules support (see git-submodule(1)).  Also,
>> git-buildpackage and friends are structured around the idea of separate
>> repos.  It's pretty easy to write shell scripts to act on all of them,
>> and even treat them all as a logical whole, thanks to git-submodule.
>> I'll need to go read the perl thing before commenting more on its
>> relative merits.
> Keep in mind that when DPG was started, git was not anywhere near where

Completely understood.

> OTOH, only tracking debian/ makes stuff lightweight. Using the

In what sense?  You still have to have the rest somewhere.

We are really maintaining a branch of software.  Git is *great* at that.
 It seems silly to me to not use the VCS in the way it was intended, and
then complicate our lives with all sorts of other scripts, when instead
we could just use the VCS as it was intended and have an easier time of it.

Git repos are very fast and space-efficient.  Last I checked, the .git
for the entire history of the Linux kernel was smaller than the unpacked
tar file of a single version of it.

> Hackage. Not being able to modify stuff outside of debian/ is considered
> a feature by some :-)

Not me :-)  It's a bug.  Obviously we like to keep diffs from upstream
down to a minimum, but it's not always possible or practical.  If you're
going to tweak something outside of debian/, git provides several very
nice workflows for managing it.

> I’m inclined to favor Darcs and tracking only debian/, extending
> debcheckout and darcs-buildpackage to handle the debian/-only tracking
> and see if it works out ok.

That requires a lot of hacking on tools, and we don't even know how it
will work out.

Using simple git repos for each project is a known approach, works well,
and is already supported by all sorts of tools out there.  We can do it
today, with zero tool hacking, and maybe some minimal shell scripts to
manage it all on the side.

I'll get some stuff set up, and then people can play with it and see
what they think.  How about that?

-- John

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