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Re: new distribution

* trixter http://www.0xdecafbad.com (trixter@0xdecafbad.com) wrote:
> On Sun, 2005-01-02 at 12:28 -0600, Chris Larson wrote:
> > * trixter http://www.0xdecafbad.com (trixter@0xdecafbad.com) wrote:
> > > Yeah but my problem is that I wanted something that works, and if you
> > > report a bug to people who are listed as responsible for that module you
> > > dont get a bunch of people saying that they are just volunteers and
> > > access to CVS ro so you cant submit fixes, etc..  
> > 
> > If you show yourself to be competent, you'll get write access,
> > whether it be to Opie cvs at handhelds.org, GPE cvs at handhelds.org, or
> > the OpenEmbedded repositories for distro things.
> lies!  france has decided that I am not allowed to participate at all.
> competent or otherwise.  his *sole* decision prevents me from staying on
> the mailing list, irc, etc.  

My ignorance of france's decisions doesn't make it a lie, it makes it a
misunderstanding.  Regardless, OE's metadata isn't even within his

> If it werent for the work I did this week bluetooth on the 0.8 final for
> h5500 would still not function (it got broke *again* when it worked in
> 0.8-pre), some hardware wouldnt be supported, people would not be able
> to upgrade (familiar released several packages that werent tested so
> people have to patch their systems manually just to upgrade them), etc.
> This is not to say that someone would not have eventually figured it
> out, some of it was easy, and most people could have done it.

I'm proud of you.  Was there a reason for this pointless shameless self

> Additionally stuff that I have reported (as simple as a RDEPENDS change)
> is taking at least more than 2 weeks to fix (its still not fixed). 

Reported via what means?

> > > Yes and there is a 'BootStrap' image that hh.org has its basically opie
> > > or gpe without a GUI (what makes opie opie and gpe gpe).  But it would
> > > still be awkward to mount effectivly a root partition as a subdirectory
> > > somewhere to use it for document storage. 
> > 
> > I should correct a misconception here.  Bootstrap is the distro without
> > a gui.  It is not opie without a gui, because opie _is_ a gui.  opie
> > without a gui is nothing.
> what misconception, other than the one you have about what I said?  I
> even specifically said the gui is what makes opie opie or gpe gpe.
> personally I dont see a misconception on my part, but I do find it
> interesting that you have to correct me on this by basically saying I am
> wrong but saying the same thing as I said..

Bootstrap is not opie without opie.  It is not gpe without gpe.  It is a
distribution without either.  How many times do you need me to fix your
terminology before it sinks in?
Chris Larson - kergoth at handhelds dot org
Linux Software Systems Engineer - clarson at ti dot com
OpenZaurus Project Maintainer - http://openzaurus.org/

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