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Re: new distribution

* trixter http://www.0xdecafbad.com (trixter@0xdecafbad.com) wrote:
> On Tue, 2004-12-21 at 15:44 -0600, Klaus Weidner wrote:
> > > Can you suggest something that is minimal?
> > 
> > That's basically what the familiar, opie, OpenEmbedded, etc.
> > distributions are aimed at, using ipkg which is somewhat dpkg compatible.
> > I haven't used them in a long time (in fact I haven't even used my C750
> > in months) so I can't comment on them.
> Yeah but my problem is that I wanted something that works, and if you
> report a bug to people who are listed as responsible for that module you
> dont get a bunch of people saying that they are just volunteers and
> access to CVS ro so you cant submit fixes, etc..  

If you show yourself to be competent, you'll get write access,
whether it be to Opie cvs at handhelds.org, GPE cvs at handhelds.org, or
the OpenEmbedded repositories for distro things.

> btw OpenEmbedded is a tool chain :)

No, it is not.  OpenEmbedded is a repository of build classes and
package metadata used by the "Bitbake" build tool to build packages and
entire Linux distributions.  As OE consists of package metadata, the
line between "distro" and OE is not exactly clear.  Countless distros
are built out of it, including Familiar, OpenZaurus, and many others.
Currently there are over 1300 unique crosscompilable packages in the
system, all of which have very granular packaging to ensure that you
only install what you need to install.

> > You can have an extremely small boot loader in the flash ROM (kernel,
> > shell, a handful of tools to get the SD module loaded), then pivot_root.
> > That will leave the rest of flash available for document storage. It can
> > also be kind of useful to have a bootable Linux system independently from
> > the SD for data recovery etc.
> > 
> Yes and there is a 'BootStrap' image that hh.org has its basically opie
> or gpe without a GUI (what makes opie opie and gpe gpe).  But it would
> still be awkward to mount effectivly a root partition as a subdirectory
> somewhere to use it for document storage. 

I should correct a misconception here.  Bootstrap is the distro without
a gui.  It is not opie without a gui, because opie _is_ a gui.  opie
without a gui is nothing.
Chris Larson - kergoth at handhelds dot org
Linux Software Systems Engineer - clarson at ti dot com
OpenZaurus Project Maintainer - http://openzaurus.org/

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