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Debian and Matchbox /GPE on the Zaurus?

Hello Debian-Handhelds folks,

Last year I bought a SHARP Zaurus 5500 on which I have successfully
installed the OpenZaurus GNU/Linux distribution along with OPIE and all
nice QT/KDE/OPIE toys.

Fact is at this point: I prefer GTK+ rather than QT, GNOME rather than
KDE, GPE rather than OPIE and of course Debian rather than OpenZaurus
(Also if this last one is based upon Debian GNU/Linux).

So my question is: Has anyone already tried to install and run
(Successfully) Debian GNU/Linux along with GPE/Matchbox on his Zaurus

I have seen that Debian Sid already ships some GPE packages and also
Matchbox as WM so I think that once installed Debian GNU/Linux, like
shown on the Debian Pocket Workstation page, a simple apt-get install
should be quite enough to power up my little ARM machine.

  At least this is what I *hope*...

I thank you in advantage for any feedback on this topic.
Best regards,


              _.--..---"-,--c_    Ivo Marino <eim@mentors.debian.net>
         \L..'           ._O__)_  http://mentors.debian.net/~eim/
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