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Re: preliminary wsjt packages available

On Fri, Mar 31, 2006 at 02:41:52PM -0500, John R. Marshall wrote:
> Great timing I just got a new rig with 2m ssb today :)

Great.. testers always welcome ;)

> Running from up to date sid system I got this.
> jrm@chaparral:~$ wsjt
> Fatal Python error: can't initialize module Audio (failed to import _numpy)
> /usr/bin/wsjt: line 22: 16738 Aborted                 env 
> PYTHONPATH=/usr/lib/wsjt python /usr/share/wsjt/wsjt.py
> Don't know if a config problem on my end or not.

Nope it's a package problem. The package python-numeric is needed at
runtime and it's missing from the dependencies. (I missed this because
it's needed at build-time through python-f2py, so of course I had it
installed when I ran wsjt to test it.)

I uploaded a -0.2 version to fix this. Thanks for your report.

BTW, for anyone wondering what to do with a raw .deb, since I didn't
supply an apt-get line, just download it and run

dpkg -i wsjt_5.9.4+linux20060331-0.2_i386.deb

Then to get the missing dependencies, if the above gives errors, run

apt-get -f install

.. and you're set to go. Run wsjt from the command line. (I will add it
to the standard desktop menus in the next build.)

Hamish Moffatt VK3SB <hamish@debian.org> <hamish@cloud.net.au>

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