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Re: Hams at Debian Day?

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On Wednesday 15 May 2002 08:53 am, Bdale Garbee wrote:
> pa3aba@debian.org (Joop Stakenborg) writes:
> > > With sufficient interest, I'd give an overview of ham radio, the
> > > long-time connection between computers, protocols and ham radio, do
> > > some general explanation about contests and then introduce the
> > > distribution, its goals, target group and background on the usage of
> > > Linux in ham radio in general, if that's OK with you.
> Make sure to point out that both Bruce Perens and I were initially
> attracted to Debian because of our interest in ham radio and the desire to
> use Linux in that context...  My talk this Friday night at the Dayton
> Hamvention will provide more detail on that, and I'll probably talk about
> it again some at the debconf2 conference in July.
> 73 - Bdale, KB0G


Is there any way you can record your speech into a digital format?  I would 
like to hear it, but I am too worthless (att) to be there in person :)_  

Thanks for the consideration.

tatah and 73
- -- 

Jaye Inabnit\ARS ke6sls\/A GNU-Debian linux user\/ http://www.qsl.net/ke6sls
If it's stupid, but works, it ain't stupid. I SHOUT JUST FOR FUN.
Free software, in a free world, for a free spirit. Please Support freedom!

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