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Re: memory issues with debianham

On Tuesday 18 June 2002 13:33, Nate Bargmann wrote:
> * Jaye Inabnit ke6sls <ke6sls@cox.net> [2002 Jun 17 21:38 -0500]:
> >     Greetings:
> >
> > I pulled down the image and dd'd it to a floppy.  It begins to boot fine
> > after the lilo prompt, but after it gets to the ramdisk it runs out of
> > memory.  Is there a way to not use the ramdisk?
> Not at this time as this is a boot and run type of deal.  As the project
> goes along it should become more flexible.  Back in the discussion phase
> I suggested that the live filesystem could be dd'ed over to a hard disk
> partition and run from there.  However it will be some time before it is
> ready for that.
> > I would *really* like to use a linux logger for Fieldday this weekend.
> >
> > The laptop is old 486/25 with 4mb ram and 300mb hd.
> I think even 4 MiB is a bit too low for the DebianHam mini distro.  You
> might check out the home page at:
> http://debianham.sunsite.dk/
> and subcribe to the developers mailing list.  I'm sure Joop would be
> interested in helping you out as I know he has discussed using an older
> kernel and smaller libs for older machines.
> At this late point I think you may want to evaluate TLF.  Even on a
> 486-100 it seemed rather slow, however I learned later that was due to
> the callsign lookup/completion feature which I think can be disabled
> through the config file or commandline switches.

we have been using tlf at PI4ZA/P during the R1 Fieldday, using a P120 with 
24 M Memory. The system was using Packet and call lookup without
speed problems. We had to kill syslogd which ran a debug session on the 
packet tty. (syslogd syncs after every packet).

You can disable the call lookup functions as well as the dupe function in
the logcfg.dat file. some experimentation may help..

WARNING: delete last qso is BROKEN on the debian disk... using it
will delete the complete log !!!!! Tlf has already been changed to prevent 
this, but we need the next release of the diskette version...
If you use tlf for ARRL FD you have to use the distro from


> I would like to try it as well, but everyone else (and me) is used to
> CT.  :-(
> 73, de Nate >>

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