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Re: memory issues with debianham

* Jaye Inabnit ke6sls <ke6sls@cox.net> [2002 Jun 17 21:38 -0500]:
>     Greetings:
> I pulled down the image and dd'd it to a floppy.  It begins to boot fine 
> after the lilo prompt, but after it gets to the ramdisk it runs out of 
> memory.  Is there a way to not use the ramdisk?

Not at this time as this is a boot and run type of deal.  As the project
goes along it should become more flexible.  Back in the discussion phase
I suggested that the live filesystem could be dd'ed over to a hard disk
partition and run from there.  However it will be some time before it is
ready for that.

> I would *really* like to use a linux logger for Fieldday this weekend.
> The laptop is old 486/25 with 4mb ram and 300mb hd.

I think even 4 MiB is a bit too low for the DebianHam mini distro.  You
might check out the home page at:


and subcribe to the developers mailing list.  I'm sure Joop would be
interested in helping you out as I know he has discussed using an older
kernel and smaller libs for older machines.

At this late point I think you may want to evaluate TLF.  Even on a
486-100 it seemed rather slow, however I learned later that was due to
the callsign lookup/completion feature which I think can be disabled
through the config file or commandline switches.

I would like to try it as well, but everyone else (and me) is used to 
CT.  :-(

73, de Nate >>

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 Location | Bremen, Kansas USA EM19ov           | have instilled in him
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