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And the name is...

Reading all the pros and cons I have come to the following name, it will be 

	The Debian-Ham Project

Name for the distribution will simply be:


So, how did I come to this name (you might find some of your own arguments 

- I simply can't deny it is debian based.
- Debian has a good reputation.
- There is a lot of involvement from hams who use debian.
- The idea originated on this mailing list.
- Hams always have had a major roll in the debian distribution.
- Because, if you use the distro, that's what you are: a debian-ham ;-)

We could have picked any name, this one is the most obvious. I guess redhat, 
suse, mandrake or whatever users have to live with it. In the end, they will 
probably never notice it is debian-based, because it will run out of the box.

I there are no objections, I would like to go ahead and apply for a project 
page at savannah. Will do this over the weekend.

Thanks to all who have replied and have shared their ideas!

Joop PA4TU

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