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Re: CX's debian package updated...

* Jaime Robles <jaime@robles.nu> [2002 Apr 25 05:56 -0500]:
> Another thing is that CX looks for that file first in the directory from we 
> are running CX and if there are not that files in that directory then it 
> looks in /usr/share/cx.
> I have done that because maybe data files are updated and the package is not 
> and users may get the updated files :-)

I think it's a good idea to look in the current directory first, or
having CX look for an environment variable such as CX_HOME for updated
CTY and MASTER files, also sect.dat, default configuration, etc to keep
config and log files seperate.

So, assuming the floppy is mounted at /floppy and assuming (for the sake
of discussion) that the CX files are in /floppy/cx and the contest log
will be in /floppy/iaru-2002, then CX_HOME could be set as follows:

export CX_HOME=/floppy/cx

Our contester would start cx from /floppy/iaru-2002 and whatever files
are not found in /floppy/cx would default to those found in /usr/share/cx

Pros, cons?

73, de Nate >>

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