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CX's debian package updated...

I have just upload to http://jaime.robles.nu/linux the CX's debian package.

I this update i have added the /usr/share/cx directory  and it copy the 
cty.dat, master.dta and cx.hlp in that directory.
I have laso modified the sources to make CX to read data from that files.

I have a question as my C knowledges are not good...

Files are openes  with "r+" with fileopen.. but if cty.dat and master.dta are 
not with "766" rwx-rw-rw permisions CX cannot read the files... it needs the 
"W" permision... and i had to add a postinst instruction when "debianizing" 
the package to change the permisions on /usr/share/cx/cty.dat and 
/usr/share/cx/master.dta to 766
I think it should open the file with no W permision...
Another thing is that CX looks for that file first in the directory from we 
are running CX and if there are not that files in that directory then it 
looks in /usr/share/cx.

I have done that because maybe data files are updated and the package is not 
and users may get the updated files :-)

Any suggestions?
Un saludo,
	Jaime Robles, EA4TV

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