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Re: Publicity News for the Contest Distro

On Tuesday 23 April 2002 10:49, Peter Lemken wrote:
> Howdy everyone,
> here is some good news:


Thanks Peter, looks like we are going to get a lot of attention.
But first, let's hope we can actually get it working, hi.

> Which brings me to one point that has already been addressed here on the
> list: We should try to implement one feature into both TLF and CX: Making
> it possible to create a new contest by editing/creating one template file
> and adjust the specific needs/rules of the contest and make it a lot more
> flexible than the original DOS-programs. That in turn would probably
> generate quite some interest all over the contest community, since there
> are lots of contests out there that are not supported by any of the usually
> available contest programs.

Too bad I don't know the ins and outs of CT. I have used it quite a lot,
but only on running stations (PA6DX and PI4COM). It sounds like a nice
idea. I am hoping we can activate some of the Bavarian guys again, so
CX will be enhanced a bit more.

> One other point: We should set up a framework of documentation of nearly
> everything we do *in English* and assign native speakers to handle the
> translations for the individual countries. In the end we should be able to
> hold in hands a set of texts in some of the most common languages which we
> then can use to address national radio clubs and organizations we want to
> reach as a target audience. Personally. I'd be willing to take over the
> German part, handle the translation and possibly coordinate translation and
> documentation work (I have worked as a technical translator in the past).

Okay, my native language is dutch, so I could do some work too.

> Question:
> Wouldn't it be desirable to create a separate mailing list for the
> administrativa of the project? I somehow doubt the Debian list as a list
> completely open to the public is an ideal place to discuss all the details
> necessary to bring the project forward. After all, the Debian packaging
> part will only play a minor role compared to creating the entire project.

At the moment it's not really a problem. This list has been quiet for some 
time, so we hardly occupy any bandwidth...
I agree that over time we should set up the project somewhere else. Savannah 
seems to be a good place for this (http://savannah.gnu.org). We should also 
start spreading our message more widely, so we can get more experts in our 
group. I was thinking the linux-hams mailing list would be a good starting 
point, but there are also ham-radio mailing lists for the SUSE distribution.

> Ideas?
> BTW: This *is* fun; you guys are fabulous ;-)

Actually, I am a bit surprised that we have had so many postive responses. If 
we can get this together, it will be a major boost for linux and hamradio.

> Peter Lemken
> Berlin
> [1] The Debian list is forwarded to a number of newsservers around the
> world. If your provider does not hold the newsgroup, you can subscribe to a
> free server at http://news.fu-berlin.de which is one of the leading
> NNTP-providers.

Joop PA4TU

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