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Publicity News for the Contest Distro

Howdy everyone,

here is some good news:


the German ham radio club (www.darc.de) thinks that our little project is of
quite some interest. I got in touch with one of the editors responsible for
the print edition of the club's monthly magazine and the result ist quite

- our project will be announced in one of the upcoming editions. It will
contain an outline of the project, links to the mailing list and the
Newsgroup [1] and a request for active contributions from interested parties

- we will (and that's the good part) get space for a large articel as part
of the regular magazine which might even be featured on the front page of
the magazine and the website. Size: 3 pages with 6000 words per page, maybe
even a fourth page (if necessary) with screenshots and more or less a
comprehensive introduction to the installation, setup, compatibility and
practical use of the distribution. All this comes with screenshots at our
discretion, just as the rest of the article.


As member of the FOC (www.firstclasscw.org.uk) I got in touch with the
editor of our FOCUS magazine which is published twice a year. More or less
the same with more restricted space. The interesting part is that quite a
large number of exposed contesters are FOC-members and we thus address quite
an interesting target audience. FOC itself has an annual contest (the FOC
marathon at the end of February) and judging from this year's discussion on
the mailing list, the willingness to try out something new that has the
specific rules of the contest is quite high.

Which brings me to one point that has already been addressed here on the
list: We should try to implement one feature into both TLF and CX: Making it
possible to create a new contest by editing/creating one template file and
adjust the specific needs/rules of the contest and make it a lot more
flexible than the original DOS-programs. That in turn would probably
generate quite some interest all over the contest community, since there are
lots of contests out there that are not supported by any of the usually
available contest programs.

Does anyone on the list subscribe to the mailing listg on contesting.com?
Could this person step forward and try to generate interest in our project
over there? If not, I'll do it myself.

One other point: We should set up a framework of documentation of nearly
everything we do *in English* and assign native speakers to handle the
translations for the individual countries. In the end we should be able to
hold in hands a set of texts in some of the most common languages which we
then can use to address national radio clubs and organizations we want to
reach as a target audience. Personally. I'd be willing to take over the
German part, handle the translation and possibly coordinate translation and
documentation work (I have worked as a technical translator in the past). 


Wouldn't it be desirable to create a separate mailing list for the
administrativa of the project? I somehow doubt the Debian list as a list
completely open to the public is an ideal place to discuss all the details
necessary to bring the project forward. After all, the Debian packaging part
will only play a minor role compared to creating the entire project.


BTW: This *is* fun; you guys are fabulous ;-)

Peter Lemken

[1] The Debian list is forwarded to a number of newsservers around the
world. If your provider does not hold the newsgroup, you can subscribe to a
free server at http://news.fu-berlin.de which is one of the leading

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