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Re: QST View

I had a similar idea sometime back.  Mostly I was interested in
generating hard copies of the .TIF files.  I found the tiff2ps utility
in the libtiff-tools package which does a great job converting the .TIF
to an EPS file.  The only problem I encountered was that the graphic was
anchored in the lower left hand corner of the page.  

In an effort the center the EPS on the page I ran across epsffit from the 
psutils package.  The only trouble with that was that the bounding box 
needed to be read from the .ps file then some arithmetic performed to 
center the EPS on the page.  Not only that but each image wound up with
a slightly different sized bounding box.

I began work on a Python script in an attempt to read the bounding box
from the original .ps file, do the calculations, then feed the new
starting position to epsffit.  My idea was to at least get the script to
a point where a directory (for a given issue) could be converted to ps
then centered on the page and finally converted to .pdf.  One thing that
might have been interesting is trying to concatenate the individual .pdf
files into one large file for each issue.  Needless to say, I never
completed the idea.

One thing to be aware of is that the older multi-year/multi CD QST View
editions follow this format.  I believe the single year CDs may follow a
different format, at least my 1995 QST is different from the older sets.

73, de Nate >>

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