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Re: Contest mini distro?

In article <[🔎] 200204211154.11471.pa3aba@debian.org> you wrote:
> On Friday 19 April 2002 21:49, Peter Lemken wrote:
>> Since I am a sales manager, I would want to do the promotional thing once
>> we got a first clue at the scope of the project. I could also work on the
>> documentation and the press releases, get us slashdotted ;-) and start
>> lighting a huge bonfire under K1EA's chair (and mybe get him to contribute
>> the one or other thing).
> That would be nice. Do you think that any contribution from your company would 
> conflict with the GPL nature of the software involved? I am a bit worried, 
> once this idea proves to be workable, it might indeed be able to replace CT 
> and some-one might want to make it a commercial product. I would prefer it to 
> remain free software....

No, there would ne no conflicts at all, since the programmers I had in mind
are very active in Open Source software development and would in fact put
great emphasis on having possible patches/fixes GPLed as well.

Peter Lemken

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