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Re: Contest mini distro?

El Friday 19 April 2002 21:10, Joop Stakenborg escribió:

> Wouldn't it be nice to create a mini distribution specifically for
> contests?
> It would need the following:
> Debian based.
> Console based (no X).
> Small precompiled kernel (2.0 kernel would do) which can run on a 386.
> Contest software (we should check out CX and tlf)
> Packet radio and TCP/IP support.
> Small disk usage, e.g. 50 MB.
> Nicest way would be a bootable CD and logs stored somewhere on the network.
GREAT idea!
I'll work on it with all of you.
I have read the problem of booting from CD on i386, maybe we could make a boot 
CD and include EASY-to-use software to create boot the floppy from DOS or 
something like that.

What is tlf? i don't know that soft...

Un saludo,
	Jaime Robles
	Coordinador KDE-es - KDE Spanish Translation Team
	http://www.kde.org/es  - http://es.i18n.kde.org

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