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Whoops!  irlp.net!!

On Mon, Jul 31, 2000 at 11:52:21AM -0600, Nate Duehr wrote:
> Hi all, 
> I've been looking over some interesting stuff at www.irlp.org recently,
> and mulling over the idea of setting up a link here in Denver on their
> system.  However, there are some interesting reasons NOT to:
> 1. Not sure if it's all "free" (as in freedom) software.
> 2. They want to administer my system for me, which is bad, IMHO.
> 3. It only is supported on RedHat.
> They've had some bad experiences with getting the software running on
> non RH machines, but I'd really like to see if they'd be interested in
> working with me on getting a working Debianized version.
> Is anyone else interested in playing?  I'd like to gather resources
> (people) interested and having one point of contact with them so they
> don't feel overwhelmed by a flood of "help"... but I also knew that
> other Debian hams might be interested in playing with this sort of
> thing.
> (They also require that you purchase the hardware board from them, which
> is a pain, but they're all volunteer and troubleshooting people's bad
> hardware building skills was eating a lot of their time...)
> -- 
> Nate Duehr <nate@natetech.com>
> GPG Key fingerprint = DCAF 2B9D CC9B 96FA 7A6D AAF4 2D61 77C5 7ECE C1D2
> Public Key available upon request, or at wwwkeys.pgp.net and others.

Nate Duehr <nate@natetech.com>

GPG Key fingerprint = DCAF 2B9D CC9B 96FA 7A6D AAF4 2D61 77C5 7ECE C1D2
Public Key available upon request, or at wwwkeys.pgp.net and others.

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