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Hi all, 

I've been looking over some interesting stuff at www.irlp.org recently,
and mulling over the idea of setting up a link here in Denver on their
system.  However, there are some interesting reasons NOT to:

1. Not sure if it's all "free" (as in freedom) software.
2. They want to administer my system for me, which is bad, IMHO.
3. It only is supported on RedHat.

They've had some bad experiences with getting the software running on
non RH machines, but I'd really like to see if they'd be interested in
working with me on getting a working Debianized version.

Is anyone else interested in playing?  I'd like to gather resources
(people) interested and having one point of contact with them so they
don't feel overwhelmed by a flood of "help"... but I also knew that
other Debian hams might be interested in playing with this sort of

(They also require that you purchase the hardware board from them, which
is a pain, but they're all volunteer and troubleshooting people's bad
hardware building skills was eating a lot of their time...)

Nate Duehr <nate@natetech.com>

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