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Re: GTK+ [Was: "client for radio.linux.org.au"]

On Wed, Oct 27, 1999 at 08:09:55PM -0700, John Mock wrote:


> Yup, 'libgtk-perl' is a neat way of interfacing to WWW based-services or
> anything else that both graphical and involves intensive text processing.
> Alas, i haven't found much in the way of documention for it, and am still
> trying to figure out how the PERL form of 'gdk-input-add()' is supposed
> to work.  If you go that route, expect to do alot of experimentation. Any
> leads on documentation would be appreciated.  Did i miss something in the
> regular distribution???

By coincidence I found the perl-gtk reference guid on the web.
It is at http://www.lettere.unipd.it/~lupus/perl-gtk-ref.html
Hope it helps.

>                          -- KD6PAG  (Networking Old-Timer, Satellite QRP)


 Joop Stakenborg PA4TU, ex-PA3ABA 
 Linux Amateur Radio Software Database

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