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Re: client for radio.linux.org.au

On Wed, Oct 27, 1999 at 09:33:14AM +0200, Joop Stakenborg wrote:
> Here is something for you guys to try out: a client for radio.linux.org.au.
> On startup the program connects to the linux hamsoft database and
> shows the latest entries. When you click on an entry and click on the
> 'read' button, it will open the new entry in a netscape window.
> Netscape has to be running in order to do this.
> The applications has been built on a potato (unstable) system, with
> libgtk1.2 (version 1.2.6-1) and libgtk-perl (version 0.6123-1),
> but will probably work with older libraries.
> So, you have to install libgtk-perl. 
> Please send comments to me or the mailing list.
> If you find it useful, I will announce it on linux-hams.

That is pretty nifty. Didn't know it was so easy to write GTK+ apps.
It thinks for a while and complains if netscape isn't already
running though.

Hamish Moffatt VK3SB. CCs of replies on mailing lists are welcome.

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