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GTK+ [Was: "client for radio.linux.org.au"]

    That is pretty nifty. Didn't know it was so easy to write GTK+ apps.
    It thinks for a while and complains if netscape isn't already
    running though.

It's certainly not hard, albeit maybe a bit tedious at times.  (At least, 
when compared with a somewhat LISP-based object-oriented approach...)  I'm
currently on a third revision of a satellite ground station program, when
the latter two being GTK-based.  Sometimes, it generates some interesting
programming problems, but the results definitely look nice.  It is worth
looking into and i've heard at least rumors of a Windows95 port.

    > The applications has been built on a potato (unstable) system, with
    > libgtk1.2 (version 1.2.6-1) and libgtk-perl (version 0.6123-1),
    > but will probably work with older libraries.

Yup, 'libgtk-perl' is a neat way of interfacing to WWW based-services or
anything else that both graphical and involves intensive text processing.
Alas, i haven't found much in the way of documention for it, and am still
trying to figure out how the PERL form of 'gdk-input-add()' is supposed
to work.  If you go that route, expect to do alot of experimentation. Any
leads on documentation would be appreciated.  Did i miss something in the
regular distribution???

                         -- KD6PAG  (Networking Old-Timer, Satellite QRP)

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