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Re: logging


--- Hamish Moffatt <hamish@debian.org> wrote:
> What do people recommend for recording their log?

The long term answer for logging is XML (HTML w/ ~your~ tags defined. )

In the long run, all browsers will be using it w/ definition tables for the XML
tags.  It allows nesting, (OO data storage).  I have not gotten to use it, but
I will have to soon since it will be defacto.

It is mildly human readable and is so simple that any machine in the far future
will [have to] be able to read it [to survive].

It is read by the browser by incorporating a DTD, and I have been told that it
will be defined via the cascading style sheets files (CSS).

I have been using perl frozen (or persistant) objects, which are presently
being used as a backbone for XML in many locations.

If want to use perl, I can give you some solid examples.
John van Vlaanderen

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