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jiffy-perl-tk deb released

Hi hams,

I have received a new version of jiffy by e-mail from Bill Walker.
It is called jiffy-perl-tk, so you can still keep using the old
jiffy package. Jiffy-perl-tk uses the perl-tk toolkit.
The control file:
Source: jiffy-perl-tk
Section: Hamradio
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Joop Stakenborg <pa3aba@debian.org>
Standards-Version: 3.0.0

Package: jiffy-perl-tk
Architecture: any
Depends: perl5, perl-tk
Suggests: nec
Description: Visualization for nec-based antenna designs using perl-tk
 Another version of jiffy, which uses perl-tk. Compared to the original
 jiffy, a program called necview is added, which can view your antenna
 design from different angles.

You can download from Incoming or http://www.debian.org/~pa3aba.

Have fun,


 Joop Stakenborg PA4TU, ex-PA3ABA <pa3aba@debian.org>
 Linux Hamradio Applications and Utilities Homepage
 http://www.casema.net/~aba - http://radio.linux.org.au

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