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complaints against the GNOME team

[in the hope that the GNOME team will comment]

Will you guys please consider that there's those of us interested in
your work and would therefore love to be informed regurlarly on what
you are up to, and that means that debian-gtk-gnome is not as busy as
it should be. Please don't wait for near-freeze before discussing
plans for Lenny.

* Sebastien was once declared heroic for frantically packaging and
uploading GNOME 2.24 stuff after its release for which I'm also
grateful, but then he refrained from uploading Nautilus 2.24 to Sid,
choosing instead Experimental. I would really have preferred that she
mentioned this on the mailing list and not just the Debian changelog.
So what's still holding back Nautilus into entering Sid?
* I'd like to know the team's position regarding PulseAudio,
especially given that it's the hottest thing these days regarding
FLOSS audio stuff, and that it's been given publicity in other
distros. So, what's holding back PulseAudio from being the default?
* I'd like to know why scrollkeeper is still in Debian, if there's
still functionality it provides that rarian-compat does not provide.


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