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Re: New dependences in gnome-core, might be better in gnome?


Murray.Cumming@Comneon.com writes:
> > Given the amount of 
> > concern the new deps is causing on users, I think we need to 
> > make some decision to move parts of gnome-core to gnome.
> What kind of problems are there actually, apart from difficulties of
> packaging gnome-meeting dependencies in the first place? Does anybody really
> have too little disk space for zenity? I think we'll have bigger problems if
> debian confuses people about what is GNOME and what's not.

I believe you miss the point. The point is wether it is convenient for a
significant amount of people to have a package which will install the
minimal requirements of a GNOME-based desktop (e.g. the panel, help
system, nautilus, terminal ...), without having a dependence on larger 
applications that are included in GNOME (epiphany-browser, gnomemeeting
...), or applications that a large number of people will not use. 

If that is indeed regarded as useful, it seems that the package
"gnome-core" would be a good candidate for having this set of
packages. The rest of the GNOME Desktop release can be included as a
dependence in te Debian package "gnome" and/or a Recommends: in
gnome-core (Note that Recommended packages will be installed by default
if one uses aptitude of dselect to install packages).

I would also like to point out that the gnome package should (as it
currently does) probably include dependences on packages strictly out of
the GNOME Desktop release, e.g. I believe that a GNOME-based e-mail
client should be there (as it is now) even if it is not part of the
GNOME Desktop release.

I have nothing against zenity really, but reading the package
description I doubt that I would ever use it (it seems to be a kind of
"xmessage" for GNOME), and, actually, I feel that that might be the case
for a large number of people. But, I may be wrong, and if really most of 
the people really uses it, it should be better kept in gnome-core. 

Best regards,


Please answer to the group/list. Don't CC me.

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