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Re: why glib/gtk 2.2 gnome 2.2?

<quote who="Jack Howarth">

> I'm confused...could someone explain why we have glib/   gtk+ 2.2 in sid
> and are migrating to gnome 2.1? I thought sid was frozen at gnome 2.0
> until 2.2 was actually released.

Given that none of the packages are migrating down to sarge anyway, it
seemed worthwhile to start migrating to 2.2 -> Christian decided that he
wanted to start with RC1 (which isn't out yet, but a fair whack of the
tarballs are).

The GTK+ family 2.2 is api/abi compatible with 2.0.x, and is a necessary
upgrade (2.0.x won't be supported).

> Also now is a rather bad time to be doing this since it confuses the gcc
> 3.2 transition.

Yeah, maybe. GNOME won't have too many C++ b0rkages. fam's API is C-based,
and there are very few C++ bits in GNOME itself (gnome-games, basically).

> For example glib/gtk+ 2.2 isn't even part of gnome 2.1 release so we could
> be chasing after bugs due to that.

It very definitely is. :-)

- Jeff

                     What does an underage calf drink?                      
                          Long Island Iced Teats.                           

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