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Re: Making debug packages from main GNOME packages

On Thu, 2003-11-13 at 18:26, Sebastien Bacher wrote:
> from the dh_strip manpage:
> "The command "dh_strip --dbg-package=libfoo" will make dh_strip save the
> debugging symbols for usr/lib/libfoo.so.0 into
> usr/lib/debug/usr/lib/libfoo.so.0 in the package build directory for
> libfoo-dbg."
> "dh_strip save the debugging symbols" ... I'm not sure. Is it the full
> file or just the symbol as for Redhat ? 
> Do you know how Redhat makes the debug packages ?

RedHat use elfutils to extract the debug sections and writes them to
/usr/lib/debug, and then a new gdb which can load the debug sections
from a separate location.  I don't know how the link between the
stripped binary and the debug symbols is made, maybe elfutils does this
as well.

I've just dug through dh_strip and it instead uses objcopy to copy the
debug symbols out into a separate file and creates a link in the
stripped binary to the debug symbols.   Worked well for me when I tried
it manually on a simple test program.

>From the file sizes the debug file is just the debugging symbols:
-rwxr-xr-x    1 ross     ross        15572 2003-11-14 09:31 crash
-rwxr-xr-x    1 ross     ross        10305 2003-11-14 09:23 crash.dbg
-rwxr-xr-x    1 ross     ross         2844 2003-11-14 09:31 crash.stripped

CDBS already contains logic so that it doesn't strip dbg packages -- I
suggest that we file a bug so that CDBS will create the debug symbol
files as well by adding the relevant --dbg-package calls.

Now I think I'm going to make a sound-juicer-dbg package...

Ross Burton                                 mail: ross@burtonini.com
                                          jabber: ross@burtonini.com
                                     www: http://www.burtonini.com./
 PGP Fingerprint: 1A21 F5B0 D8D0 CFE3 81D4 E25A 2D09 E447 D0B4 33DF

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