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Re: Debianizing Debian's GNOME/KDE a bit more

 > Tell me how you can tell to an user who come from Windows or for a
 > newbie Linux user to open a terminal (terminal ? sorry I don't
 > undertstand !) and type gconftool-2 ... ( where I should type
 > gconftool-2 ... ?)

 Uh?  You argue:

    1. Using the gconf method isn't good enough because some users won't
       see the changes (because they have made changes themselves)

    2. Some users are just too stupid to read (sorry to put it so blunt,
       but that's what you are saying, without the PC filter on)

    3. Stupid users have a right to change this too.

    4. There's a Really Good Reason why this isn't easy to configure

    5. Changing the default splash screen (which stupid users can't
       change anyway because of 2 and 4) from the GNOME one to one with
       the Debian logo stomps on the user's freedom of choice.

 > Are you really serious ?

 I think we are, are you?

 > Really ? You impose new users with the Debian splash screen, I don't
 > talk that freedom of choice.

 Now I get it... you are bored and this is a joke.

 Come people, let's all laugh with Christian and then get back to work.


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