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Re: Gnome 2.4 in sid

Jeff Waugh <jdub@perkypants.org> writes:

> <quote who="david.venz@invensys.com">
>> 1. Against traditional conservativism, 2.4 goes into unstable 'tomorrow',
>> best-case being it all goes in together after being quickly trialled for
>> each arch in experimental
> (I wouldn't be horrified if this happened, it seems like a sane way to go
> about it if no one is concerned with having a stable 2.2 backup plan.)
>> 2. It takes some time to iron out non-stability related things like package
>> Replaces: and Depends: lines, or fixing transition scripts for (a) 1.4
>> users and/or (b) 2.2 users
>> 3. Meanwhile hell freezes over and gcc/glibc are able to go into testing,
>> and 2.2 would have gone into testing except it's been replaced by 2.4 which
>> is not ready for 'testing'.
>> 4. sarge is released with 1.4 desktop or delayed until 2.4 is ready?
> That's my worst fear. :-)


But that (sarge with 1.4) is highly unlikely. 

Large parts of Gnome 2.2 already _have_ made their way into
testing. So for your fear to come true, this would have to be

It's quite probably that this reversal would be no less problematic
than completing the transition to Gnome 2.x, given that in the
meantime the default compiler has changed.

I don't think that any of those in charge of managing the release
would seriously consider this option.

The cruxial point is probably how long it will take to sort out the
remaining RC bugs in glibc and gcc. Can anyone give an educated guess?



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