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Re: G2D in unstable: a user's perspective

Le Thu, Aug 01, 2002 at 12:27:34AM -0600, Jeremy Nickurak écrivait:
> isn't it likely that any potential reports will be less accurate, and
> more clouded by the experience of suddenly being forced into dealing

Why would it ?

The definition of "sid" is "still in development". Unstable means "be
always ready to test something new".

It doesn't mean that we shouldn't announce the fact that Gnome2 is going
into unstable, but it means that the separate packaging is not
necessary. If one doesn't want to test Gnome2, he shouldn't use sid,
either he mark the gnome packages on hold or he switch back to testing.

Doing either of these is not complicated and not painful. Even if he
missed the G2D announcement, he can revert back to Gnome 1.4 with
an apt-get "install gnome-core/testing ..." command line.

> upgrade? Whether this means some kind of pinning hack, a seperate

Yeah "pinning hack" is similar to what I explained just before. The
choice exists and will always exist ...

Raphaël Hertzog -+- http://strasbourg.linuxfr.org/~raphael/
Formation Linux et logiciel libre : http://www.logidee.com

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