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Re: GNOME 1 ABI involving libpng

>>>>> On Wed, 28 Aug 2002 18:46:08 +0100,
>>>>> "RM" == Robert McQueen <robot101@debian.org> wrote:

RM> I know this is mostly done and dusted now, but it really upsets me that
RM> the library was re-named when actually there were only three packages in
RM> unstable which linked to both libgtk2.0 as well as libpng2. They were
RM> gimp1.3, celestia, and metatheme. Those were the only three that could
RM> have broken. The correct thing to do would've been to just re-compile
RM> against libpng3, and declare a conflict with those three packages <= the
RM> version in unstable, and have them rebuilt.

RM> In fact, you can now revert the library name change safely, to allow
RM> smooth upgrades from woody. Change the package back to libgtk2.0-0,
RM> change shlibs, and provide a libgtk2.0-0png3 stub package that depends
RM> on libgtk2.0-0. You would also need to have versioned <= conflicts with
RM> those packages in woody that depend on libgtk2.0 and libpng3 at the same
RM> time. You could drop the libgtk2.0-0png3 from sid after everything had
RM> compiled back to libgtk2.0, and it need never show up in a release.

That make sense now. I had made a mistake. may I do that?

Akira TAGOH  : tagoh@gnome.gr.jp  / Japan GNOME Users Group
at@gclab.org : tagoh@gnome-db.org / GNOME-DB Project
             : tagoh@redhat.com   / Red Hat, Inc.
             : tagoh@debian.org   / Debian Project

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