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Re: Gnome 2 summary 27/06/2002

On Tue, Jul 02, 2002 at 07:55:03PM -0700, Michael Toomim wrote:
> >I've uploaded gnome-terminal and sawfish in unstable, because those two
> >packages are really better than the 1.x version and fix a lot of bugs.
> This is somewhat off-topic, but sawfish2 is NOT a safe thing to upgrade 
> to.  A lot of features have been deprecated, like viewports, that a lot 
> of people use.

Hmm, the difference between a workspace and a viewport, as implemented in
sawfish, is that one has windows overlapping from one viewport to the
next, while the other requires windows to be on a specific workspace.

One is useful, the other is useful.  Both together are not useful.
Solution?  Call them both workspaces for the sake of documentation sanity
and if any preference must exist, have it be whether or not windows are
kept on a single workspace only or not.

This seems to be Havoc's opinion of how it should be handled in Metacity
based on a discussion I had with him about the very feature after someone
on irc asked him about viewports.  It applies to sawfish equally well,

Joseph Carter <knghtbrd@bluecherry.net>       Now I'll take over the world
<Flood> can I write a unix-like kernel in perl?

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