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Re: HELIX GNOME packages vs. Debian GNOME packages

Le Wed, May 24, 2000 at 05:20:26PM -0700, Ossama Othman écrivait:
> Hi,


> It appears that I missed alot of details regarding the HELIX GNOME

:-) You can't have missed much because there isn't many things that have
been discussed publicly. I started a discussion and got some private
response. I'll give you a summary of what i know at the present time.

> 	3. Will there be two sets of GNOME packages, the HELIX ones
> 	   and the Debian ones?

Actually there's two sets of packages. But I'd like to avoid that. Helix
will always do their own packages since they have their own schedule and
don't want to wait some Debian developers to catch up...

But Helix has taken care to make good Debian packages that are drop-in
replacement of our packages. Their packages may even be of higher
quality since they are more up-to-date and since they have fixed
a number of lintian errors/warnings.

> 	4. If so, is it even worthwhile to maintain the Debian ones?

I think that keeping 2 separate set of packages would be bad 
that's why  ...

> 	1. Will the HELIX packages replace our packages?

... I hope that we could merge Helix & Debian packages. In fact, Helix has
taken many .diff from us as a base for their work.

> 	2. If so, who will maintain the HELIX packages?

Actually Peter Teichman <peter@helixcode.com> is making the Debian
packages for Helix, and he's a Debian developer for about 1.5 year ...
he's ready to adopt any Gnome related packages that Helix is 
also providing since he will do the work for Helix anyway.

> 		I'd be a little upset if, for example, my packages
> 		were "yanked out from under me" without notification.

This won't happen.

> 		time into my imlib packages.  If the HELIX team	wants
> 		to maintain the packages then that is fine with	me.
> 		It would be nice to receive some notice, that's all.

Since Peter is paid to work on the Debian packages, he would like to take
over all/many/most of the Gnome related packages that he's maintaining
at Helix anyway. Of course, he won't hijack your package(s) if you don't
offer him but [speaking to all Debian developer who are maintaining Gnome
related packages] please consider this opportunity to lighten the load on
your shoulders and to leave the work to someone who is volunteer for doing
it, who is paid for doing it, and who has the time to do it well.

I'm still discussing some issues with him about the possibility to
integrate the debian directory in the Gnome CVS and once we have
everything decided I'll probably contact you (maintainer of Gnome related
packages) individually or post an announce on debian-devel-announce.
But if you want to give your package to Peter you can already start to
contact him (Peter Teichman <pat@debian.org>).

Raphaël Hertzog -+- http://strasbourg.linuxfr.org/~raphael/

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