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Re: library package policy for small gnome packages

On Thu, Sep 23, 1999 at 02:06:17PM +0000, Vincent Renardias wrote:
> I'd say 4 packages:
> libgnomeprint2		Arch: any
> gnome-print-dev		Arch: any
> gnome-print-fonts	Arch: all

I count only 3 :-)

I personally thought just 2, with the gnome-font-install binary in the
library package and an appropriate postinst (the spec file does it that

gnome-print doesn't have any docs, but it looks to me as if the font
information reflects what's installed on the system. That would mean any
font-providing package would also have to call gnome-font-install again.
I'll leave an update-something script for a bit later.

> -dev packages usually don't need to be versionned.

I agree, but I thought I'd ask.

The idea is that the first face shown to people is one they can readily
accept - a more traditional logo. The lunacy element is only revealed
subsequently, via the LunaDude. [excerpted from the Lunatech Identity Manual]

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