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Re: RFS: filippo.io-edwards25519

Martin Dosch <martin@mdosch.de> writes:

> Dear Simon,
>>Running 'lrc' catches a licensing problem:
>>BSD-3-clause    | BSD-1-Clause     scalar.go
>>It seems correct.  Can you add the license block further down in
>>scalar.go to debian/copyright?  I'm thinking of this:
> Funny that this is in scalar.go while the affected code is in
> scalar_fiat.go. I have updated debian/copyright according to my 
> understanding of the licensing.

Thank you.  But the copyright clause is in scalar.go:


So I believe debian/copyright should mention that file, since that's
where the copyright claim is made.

Now that you mentioned scalar_fiat.go, I had a look at it, and it claims
to be auto-generated:

// Autogenerated: word_by_word_montgomery --lang Go --cmovznz-by-mul --relax-primitive-carry-to-bitwidth 32,64 --public-function-case camelCase --public-type-case camelCase --private-function-case camelCase --private-type-case camelCase --doc-text-before-function-name '' --doc-newline-before-package-declaration --doc-prepend-header 'Code generated by Fiat Cryptography. DO NOT EDIT.' --package-name edwards25519 Scalar 64 '2^252 + 27742317777372353535851937790883648493' mul add sub opp nonzero from_montgomery to_montgomery to_bytes from_bytes

Where is the word_by_word_montgomery tool?  How to re-generate that
file?  That should be done when this package is built.

This autogenerated file was not part of the last release, so I think
this is a problem that should be fixed.  Here is the content from the
previous release:


>> Also, debian/copyright says Filippo Valsorda is copyright holder but
>> all
>>of the files have the following lines in them -- could you adjust
>>debian/copyright for the correct copyright holder?
> Done.
>>Can you add yourself and 2024 for debian/* in debian/copyright too?
>>Lintian complains about that.
> Done, although I find it ridiculus to bump copyright years as afaik
> this is not necessary.

Yes, I think there are different opinions on that, but lintian complains
about it, and I do think it provide some benefit: before you were not
mentioned as author of debian/* files but now you are.  So it wasn't
only about bumping the copyright year here, but adding you as copyright
holder of the files.


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